During his paisley sofa years, Cole released the album Scarves & Knives...
"moonlit symphonic sweep"
- No Depression
"darkly beautiful debut... fresh and utterly captivating"
- Performing Songwriter
"complex melodies that float rather than progress from A to B to C. The slow-motion
fever dreams inside Guerra's tunes ensnare with a unique alien beauty"
- Vintage Guitar
After touring in support of Scarves & Knives, Cole disappeared from the music landscape. He became a clinical psychologist and settled into his adopted hometown of Durham, North Carolina. When Cole re-emerged with new material, he did so as I AM CASTING, putting out an album called Carnival Barkers...
"This is an album in the traditional sense, a song cycle united against a common enemy... replete with complex melodic and harmonic turns as well as truth-seeking lyrics that can provide hope in moments of hopelessness... At times reminiscent of Paul Simon's most woke moments, the early solo work of Peter Gabriel or Los Lobos' ode to the silently suffering, By the Light of the Moon, Carnival Barkers is an exquisite portrait of the times that try humankind's collective soul."
- PopMatters
Now, more new music is on the way. The single Good Gardener will be available 12/6/24, with another single to be released in mid-January.